Frequently Asked Questions

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General Questions

Do I need a doctors referral to attend your Clinic?

A doctors referral is NOT required to attend the practice.

A referral is only required if you intend to claim your treatment under a Workcover or CTP claim, or through a GP Team Care arrangement.

What type of headaches do you treat?

We treat all types of headaches. The diagnosis of headaches is ‘descriptive’ which means they are grouped by what they look like, not by what causes them. In fact, most treatment is aimed at treating symptoms rather than cause. The goal of SHMC is to locate if the cause of your headaches is the neck and treat the cause.

What type of therapist are you? What are your qualifications?

Our practitioners are qualified physiotherapists, who have completed extra study and training to offer expert treatment with a special focus on all headache and migraine presentations. All practitioners have 10+ years in private practice work and at least 5 years or more using the Watson Headache® Approach. All practitioners have been trained under Dr Dean Watson himself and hold credentials specific to headache and migraine treatment. This ensures expert knowledge and skill when assessing, diagnosing and treating our patients for a successful outcome.

How often will I need to attend?

Please see here for more information on the treatment process.

Is the treatment claimable through Medicare or private health funds?

Yes, onsite claiming is available through our Hicaps terminal if you have Private Health Cover for physiotherapy. An out of pocket expense may still apply.

Some patients can claim up to five consultations in each calendar year, through Medicare, if referred by a GP under a Care Plan arrangement. An out-of-pocket expense may still apply.

Do you prescribe medications?

Our treatment is a non-medicative approach to headache and migraine.  Our goal is to reduce your need for medications. Patients often come to see us due to:

  • their medications becoming less effective over time,
  • concerns of long-term use of medications,
  • the side effects resulting from medications,
  • developing medication overuse headaches.

Is this a new approach for the treatment of headaches and migraines?

This approach that has been developed over the past 25 plus years by Dr Dean Watson at the Watson Headache Institute. He has treated over 8000 patients and completed his PhD which has been described by some as the most significant cervical manual therapy headache research in decades.

“I’ve tried everything, why is this different?”

This is a common and totally reasonable question that is asked by people suffering from long term chronic headaches and migraines. Chronic migraine and headache disorders can be a complex condition and therefore requires expert help from practitioners who focus in the area. We are one of only a few practices, nationwide, who offer a directed and focused approach solely for headache and migraine patients. Our practitioners concentrate their knowledge and learning in this field specifically, enabling expertise, backed by the most recent research, to give our patients the best possible outcomes.

Do you have a different question?

Regarding our treatments or would just like to find out more, we would love to hear from you. Please complete the below contact form and we will get back to you shortly.
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