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Cervicogenic Headache

About Cervicogenic Headaches

What Is A Cervicogenic Headache?

Cervicogenic headache is caused by a problem with of the structures of the neck which refers pain into the head. This can include the muscles, joints, ligaments, discs and nerves of the neck. This headache usually presents as unilateral pain that starts in the neck and refers up into the back of the head and can wrap around to as far as the eye. On occasion it can refer straight to the front of the forehead/eye region without pain in the back of the head.

Referral of pain occurs because the nerves from the neck and those from the head have a connection before they carry their messages to the brain. At times, the brain can be confused about where the message is coming from so a pain message from the neck can feel like pain in the head.

It is common after a traumatic injury to the neck such as a concussion or whiplash injury, however it can also be caused by excessive postural load which is all too common these days with computer screens and phones dominating our lives.

Cervicogenic Headache Diagnosis

How Do We Diagnose Cervicogenic Headache?

It can be difficult to distinguish cervicogenic headache from other types of headaches such as migraine and tension-type headache. However, the Cervicogenic Headache International Study Group (CHISG) describe the following criteria:

·         Unilateral (one sided) or unilaterally dominant – This does allow for milder symptoms to be felt on the other side (unevenly bilateral) but as the problem becomes more chronic the pain can become similar bilaterally.
·         Side-locked (does not swap sides).
·         Associated with neck, shoulder, or arm pain on the same side (ipsilateral).
·         Pain begins in the neck and headache is aggravated by neck movement or neck postures.
·         Associated symptoms such as light sensitivity and nausea are common with cervicogenic headache, but they are generally much less intense than the similar symptoms experienced with migraine.

Cervicogenic Headache Symptoms


Difficulty concentrating


Head Pain

Range from mild to severe pain

Neck pain

Reduced neck movements




Mild sensitivity to light and sound

Treating Cervicogenic Headaches With The Watson Headache® Approach

Cervicogenic Headache Treatment

The Watson Headache® Approach focuses on addressing the underlying mechanical dysfunctions in the upper neck that can be causing the referred pain to the head.

Skilled physiotherapists trained in the Watson Headache® Approach utilise specific manual techniques to assess and treat dysfunctions in the cervical spine causing cervicogenic headache. Effectively treating the dysfunction within the neck can alleviate cervicogenic headache quite quickly. Along with manual treatment, exercises are also prescribed to help the patient self-manage their problem as effectively as possible. 

For strategies to help manage Cervicogenic Headache, read the following blogs on Neck-migraine connections, 5 reasons your neck is involved, Headaches in teens  and  Is my pillow causing my headache?

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Cervicogenic Headaches – Frequently Asked Questions

Are cervicogenic headaches serious?

Cervicogenic headache is caused by a problem with the structure of the neck and without treatment it can worsen and can present with various associated symptoms that can become debilitating.

Are cervicogenic headaches treatable?

Referral of pain occurs because the nerves from the neck and those from the head have a connection before they carry their message to the brain. These messages can be interpreted by the brain and make you perceive pain. Clinicians at Sydney Headache and Migraine Centre are trained in the Watson Headache® Approach, focusing on addressing the underlying mechanical dysfunction in the upper neck. 

What causes cervicogenic headaches?

Cervicogenic headaches are caused by a problem with the structure of the neck which refers pain into the head. This can include the muscles, joints, ligaments, discs and nerves of the neck.

What triggers cervicogenic headache?

Triggers for cervicogenic headaches can be after a traumatic injury to the neck such as concussion or whiplash. They can also be caused by lifestyle factors especially posture, which has become more common with computer screens and phones dominating our lives.

How to prevent cervicogenic headache?

To prevent cervicogenic headaches, be more mindful of your posture at work or study, when driving, or at rest in lounge or bed.

Also try some stretches and strengthening program.

Additionally, (simple but hard) eat well, sleep well, move well and cope well.


Clinicians at Sydney Headache and Migraine Centre can assess you and formulate an individualised program to better suit your body and your lifestyle.

How long do cervicogenic headaches last?

When an episode occurs, it can last for hours, days or even weeks or months until underlying problem is addressed.

Do cervicogenic headaches come from stress?

Cervicogenic headaches can come from stress if your coping strategies affect the structure of your neck.

Where do cervicogenic headaches come from?

Cervicogenic headaches are caused by a problem with the structure of the neck which refers pain into the head. This can include the muscles, joints, ligaments, discs and nerves of the neck.

Cervicogenic headache vs migraine

Migraine and cervicogenic headache present with a large overlap of symptoms making differential diagnosis challenging. To diagnosis effectively, a physical examine for the presence of musculoskeletal impairments is recommended.

What are cervicogenic headaches?

Cervicogenic headaches are caused by a problem with the structure of the neck which refers pain into the head. This can include the muscles, joints, ligaments, discs and nerves of the neck.  Referral of pain occurs because the nerves from the neck and those from the head have a connection before they carry the message to the brain. These messages can be interpreted by the brain and cause you to perceive pain.

What causes migraine?

What causes migraine?

Migraines can be debilitating due to their moderate to severe intensity. If you experience a migraine, you may be out of action for at least a couple of hours or even up to three days! More than...

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