About Hormonal Headache
What Is A Hormonal Headache?
Predominantly a condition affecting women, these headaches usually come on just before or during a cycle and/or during ovulation. These can present as a typical tension-type headache but can also present as traditional migraine with one-sided severe pulsating head pain.
During a women’s cycle at Day 1, there is a large drop in oestrogen levels which in turn leads to a drop in serotonin levels in the brain. This drop in serotonin levels is said to be the trigger for hormonal headache.
Hormonal Headache Diagnosis
How Do We Diagnose A Hormonal Headache?
There is a debate whether hormonal headache is a separate migraine-type or whether hormonal change is just a trigger. Nevertheless, hormonal headache begins at -2 to +3 days of menstruation and occur at least 2 out of every 3 cycles. Pure hormonal headache only occurs during a cycle while menstrual-related migraine happens during menstruation and additionally at other times of the cycle. Clinical experience has shown that ovulation will quite often trigger an episode which is milder and shorter in duration.
Hormonal Headache Symptoms

Usually lasting three days
Moderate to sever throbbing or pulsating-like pain

Nausea and vomiting

Increased Sensitivity
Increased sensitivity to light, sound and smell
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