
Sydney Headache & Migraine Centre

Sleep Blogs

Sleep Hygiene

Sleep Hygiene

What’s all the fuss about sleep hygiene?  Well to put it simply, sleep is an essential part of healing and restoring our body to optimal functioning. We all feel miserable after a poor night’s...

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Is My Pillow Causing My Headache?

Is My Pillow Causing My Headache?

If you are waking up in the morning with headache consistently, perhaps it is worth taking a look at your pillow. Pillow preference is very individual. They come in every size and shape imaginable!...

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Understanding Triggers

Understanding Triggers

Headaches and Migraines are complicated. Each person’s case is different and what triggers an episode can differ. Whilst Sydney Headache and Migraine Centre practitioners focus on desensitising the...

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