The Research
For modern health and medical techniques to be considered effective, they need to be based upon sound scientific principles and research. This is referred to as evidence-based practice with the medical practitioner using the most up to date research and their clinical experience to advise their patients on the best treatment for their particular condition.
The following articles refer to the Watson Headache Approach and treatment of the upper neck for headache and migraine conditions:
Head Pain Referral During Examination of the neck in Migraine and Tension Type Headache.
Dean H Watson and Peter D Drummond. Headache, 2012. American Headache Society.
In the paper Dean Watson uses the Watson Headache Approach on people who have been diagnosed with tension-type headache and migraine headache without aura. He was able to reproduce the pain of headache in 33 out of the 34 people in the study. This study demonstrated the referral pattern by which neck dysfunction can cause headaches in people who suffer from tension-type headaches and migraine without auras.
Cervical referral of Head pain in Migraineurs: Effects on the Nociceptive Blink Reflex.
Dean H Watson and Peter D Drummond. Headache, 2014, American Headache Society.
In this article Dean’s research focused on the impact of the Watson Headache® Approach has on brainstem sensitivity. In his study of 15 migraine sufferers, Dean used the appropriate technique to reproduce and resolve the patients headache. Afterwards they remeasured brainstem sensitivity and found that it had reduced, suggesting that these manual techniques may be beneficial to migraine sufferers.
Efficacy of interventions used by physiotherapists for patients with headache and migraine—systematic review and meta-analysis.
Kerstin Luedtke, Angie Allers, Laura H Schulte, Arne May. Cephalgia, 2015.
A systematic review of the effectiveness of interventions used by physiotherapists to treat migraine, tension-type headaches, and cervicogenic headaches. Results showed a statistically significant reduction in the intensity, frequency, and duration of people’s symptoms.
International consensus on the most useful physical examination tests used by physiotherapists for patients with headache: A Delphi study.
K.Luedtkea et al. Manual Therapy, 2016
This study surveyed the clinical use of physical examination tests on headache patients. 11 physical examination tests were regarded as clinically useful one of which was the reproduction and resolution of headache pain which is one the main diagnostic criteria for the Watson Headache Approach.
Stratifying migraine patients based on dynamic pain provocation over the upper cervical spine.
Kerstin Luedtke and Arne May. The Journal of Headache and Pain, 2017
This paper proposed that migraine patients can be placed into 3 groups based on the examination of their upper neck. 89% of study participants had upper cervical dysfunction. The paper suggests that the upper cervical dysfunction be treated to avoid ongoing referral into the head.
Vascular Theory of Migraine – a great story wrecked by facts.
P J Goadsby, BRAIN – A Journal of Neurology, 2009; 6-7
This is a summary on the scientific theories what causes a Migraine. It outlines some research as to why the author believes the nerves or neural factors are the most likely cause rather than blood vessels.

The Program