Conditions Treated
All headache/migraine terminologies are simply descriptions. Often there is a lot of overlap between the categories. Often the most obvious or dominate symptom directs the terminology or diagnosis given. Our advice? Don’t get hung up on terminologies as they often share the same cause – an hypersensitised brain stem

We treat a wide range of headaches including Thunder Crack Headaches, Medication Overuse Headaches, Hormonal Headaches & more.

We treat a wide range of migraines from general migraines through to Hormonal Migraines, Hemiplegic Migraines, Silent Migraines & more.

Other Conditions
We treat conditions other than headches & migraines including Dizziness, Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome, BPPV, PPPD, Jaw Pain & more.
Sydney Headache & Migraine Centre
Headaches We Treat
Cervicogenic Headache
A headache that is referred directly from structures in the upper neck. This is common and often overlaps with a variety of the headaches we have listed here. Our skilled assessment of the upper neck will determine whether it is playing a part in your headache presentation.
Tension Type Headache
Typically impacts the whole head or both sides. The pain is mild to moderate, constant or pressure-like. There may be mild sensitivity to light and noise and associate neck, jaw and shoulder pain.
Chronic Daily Headache
Occurring 15 or more times each month and can be either headache or migraine.
Cluster headache
Pain strikes quickly without warning on one side of head/face. Typically excruciating pain, generally around one eye, pressure or vice-like, with excessive tearing of the eye on the affected side. Can occur in periods, 1-3 times/day, up to 45 mins each, lasting 6-12 weeks.
Sinus Headache
Presenting as pressure around eye, cheeks or forehead. The pain can be worse with bending forward or lying down. Often associated with a stuffy nose.
Exercise Induced Headache
Occurs during or after exercise.
Thunder Crack Headache
Strikes suddenly with pain peaking within minutes of onset. This can be accompanied by nausea and/or vomiting.
Medication Overuse Headache
This is a complex and often misunderstood issue and is usually related to significant medication intake. Our practitioners work with your GP or other health professionals to help reduce your medication intake and rely on more natural approaches to deal with your headache pain.
Hormonal Headache
Predominantly a condition affecting women, these headaches usually come on just before or during a cycle and/or during ovulation. These can present as a typical tension-type headache but can also present as traditional migraine with one-sided severe pulsating head pain.
Sydney Headache & Migraine Centre
Migraines We Treat
One of the most disabling headache types, it is usually described as one-sided, throbbing and severe, lasting 6-24 hours. Commonly occurs with associated symptoms, notably nausea, vomiting, light & noise sensitivity but also others such as brain fog, difficulty speaking/finding words or smell sensitivity. Usually quite disabling, resulting in an inability to work or drive when suffering from a migraine, with a preference to a quiet, dark place to sleep.
Migraine With Aura
The migraine is preceded by a change in their vision like wavy lines, tunnel vision, flashing lights etc.…the migraine starts 10-30 mins later.
Vestibular Migraine
Is a migraine headache presentation which often includes a false sense of motion, either self-movement (internally) or movement of your visual surrounds (externally) lasting from five minutes to 72 hours.
Hormonal Menstrual Migraine
occurs during a specific time of a female’s monthly period.
Abdominal Migraine
A person regularly experiences nausea for no apparent reason.
Hemiplegic Migraine
During an episode the person loses control of one side of their body, similar to experiencing a stroke.
Silent Migraine
Occurs when the associated symptoms predominate and there is no actual head pain.
Medication Overuse Headache
This is a complex and often misunderstood issue and is usually related to significant medication intake. Our practitioners work with your GP or other health professionals to help reduce your medication intake and rely on more natural approaches to deal with your headache pain.
Post-traumatic Migraine
Post-traumatic migraines often arise after a head injury, and they can manifest with severe headaches, sensitivity to light and sound, and nausea. These migraines can significantly impact daily life, making it crucial to explore effective treatment options.
Sydney Headache & Migraine Centre
Other Conditions We Treat
Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome
A person regularly experiences sudden vomiting for no apparent reason.
Cervicogenic Dizziness
this is a dizziness related to neck dysfunction or your brain’s ability to process information from a combination of areas including the neck. It differs to Vestibular migraine and needs to be treated differently as well.
BPPV - Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo is related to a problem in the vestibular system in your inner ear. Very different to cervicogenic dizziness it is treated with specific treatment processes and on occasion exercises.
Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD)
Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD), formerly known as Chronic Subjective Dizziness, is a condition characterized by persistent feelings of dizziness and unsteadiness that last for an extended period, typically three months or more.
Trigeminal Neuralgia
This not common but can cause significant pain and other symptoms. It originates in the trigeminal nerve which has a close association with the upper neck. Treatment of the neck is often indicated to help reduce pain from the trigeminal nerve.
Jaw Pain
The TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) is a complex joint regularly used when we chew or talk. Obviously, problems here cause significant life issues. Treatment addresses the issues that occur with joint stiffness and muscle weakness that cause the TMJ pain.
Headache and Migraine conditions treated at this practice are NOT limited to the list above. Please contact our office for further information.